Here are the money saving tips when you buy in bulk
When buying in bulk, you must remember these money saving tips in order to save more.
Andrea Woroch, a consumer and money-saving expert said in an article from Reader’s Digest that there other ways to know to save more money when buying in bulk.
First is to enjoy the ripe deals on produce such as potatoes, citrus fruits, or apples. When buying this kind of products, be sure to look for bulk produce deals.
Check the bulk bags if which is heavier than the rest. However, you should buy only what you can consume for a week because these products have a limited shelf life. You can also think of some ways to extend the shelf life such as making applesauce from apples.
Before going to the grocery store, organize first your stock areas. Throw away what can no longer be consumed inside your refrigerator.
Mary O’Brien, an elementary school teacher and super saver shared this tip: “Regardless of how much money you save, if you don’t have an organized space to store your items, chances are you won’t use them all. You’ll end up forgetting about them, then wasting money by buying duplicate items.”
Know the time when a certain product goes on sale. Woroch said that you can save more when you buy seasonal products during the end of the season sale. For O-Brien, it is a good thing when you plan the bulk shopping ahead of time.
In addition, Anne Linval, a mom of two in Easton, Connecticut said that it is important to know how low your favorites go on sale for.
Woroch also said that stacking and maximizing coupons for your purchases can help you save more money. She shared that you can use coupons for items that are already on sale. That way you save double.
Another thing which is important in money saving tips is to do healthy hacks. You can buy medicine in bulks but be sure to know the expiration dates.
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