Foods That Boost The Immune System (Health & Wellness)

Here Is A List Of Foods That Help Boost The Immune System

FOODS – Certain foods, especially fruits and vegetables are packed with different vitamins and nutrients that are necessary for a healthy body.

Photo taken from Everyday Health

The human body, requires adequate levels of nutrients and essential vitamins to function well and perform at its best. Eating the right foods with the right amount of daily nutrients helps a lot in maintaining a healthy body.

Also, did you know that eating on a banana leaf can actually help you achieve a healthy immune system?

The immune system, is our bodies natural defense against foreign infectious organisms and other harmful invaders.

It is very important to keep our immune system healthy and strong to prevent possible illnesses.

To help with that, here are some foods you can eat to boost your immune system:


Probably the most popular choice in this list, citrus fruits are known to be rich sources of Vitamin C. Vitamin C is known to help the body produce white blood cells that is a vital element in fighting infections.

Citrus fruits are commonly sour fruits including:

  • oranges
  • tangerines
  • lemons
  • limes


One of the healthiest vegetables out there. Broccoli is packed with vitamins A, C and E. On top of that, it also contains antioxidants and fiber. It is recommended that broccoli must be consumed after being cooked as little as possible or uncooked at all.


Many dishes include garlic in their recipes as it adds great flavor. But other than that, garlic is also a very good source of immune system boosters. This could be because of the concentration of compounds in the plant that contain sulfur. Compounds such as ‘allicin’.


If you didn’t know yet, papayas are also excellent sources of Vitamin C. A single papaya can provide up to 224 percent of the daily recommended Vitamin C intake. A digestive enzyme called ‘papain’ can also be found in papayas, this enzyme is known for its anti-inflammatory properties.

The fruit also contains potassium, B vitamins, and folate.

These are based on an article from Healthline.

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That is all there is to it, at least for now. Stay healthy!

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