Here You Can Learn About The Different Parts Of A Letter
PARTS – Writing a letter can be because of several different reasons, formal invitation, application for a job or just a friendly letter to check on someone.

The types of letters could change depending on its purpose. There are many types and forms of written letters that serve different functions from others. But today, we are only going to discuss the components of a letter.
To check on your letter’s structure, refer to this guide on properly using punctuation marks.
Commonly, simple letters contain five main parts. Which are the Heading, the Greeting, the Body, the Complimentary Close and the Signature Line.
Here are their definitions and purposes:
This part of the letter can be located at the topmost or middle part of the page, this includes important information such as the address date. Always remember to skip a line after writing a heading before proceeding to the next part of the letter.
The greeting could be written in a formal or casual fashion. This usually ends with a comma. For a formal approach, you may write “Dear” followed by the recipient’s name and comma. For an informal approach, you may start with a casual greeting like: “Hi” or “Hello”
This is also referred to as the main text of the letter. This contains the actual message that you want to relay to the receiver. Normally, these letters are indented at the start of every paragraph. But if not, make sure to skip a line every after paragraph.
A short expression is written on this part of the letter as a closing remark. Put a short closing expression with a comma and leave a space or two before you put the signature line.
Just below the complimentary close line, there should be a signature line where enough space is provided for you to write your name (and signature) on.
These are some parts of the simple letter according to an article from Englishplus.
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