How To: Sleep Faster (Fall Asleep Earlier At Night)

Tips On How To Fall Asleep As Quick As Possible

HOW TO – Everyone needs a good night sleep, and sometimes we holding on to our phones, computers or tablets makes falling asleep difficult.

Photo taken form Cliniquecme

Whether you’re a working adult who needs to get to work early the next day, or a student who needs to get to class, you definitely need longer hours of sleep to function properly. But sometimes, certain conditions hinder our perfect sleeping schedule.

There are many ways to deal with sleep deprivation and insomnia. Check out this list of indoor plants that could promote good sleep.

But if you’re looking for quick and easy steps to fall asleep immediately, here are some things you could do right away:


The temperature levels in our body undergoes changes when we go to sleep, the core temperature lowers while our hands and feet heats up a little.

Personal preferences may affect how cool or how warm you want the room but it was found that for most people, lower temperatures help them fall asleep quicker.


This method is actually utilizes the breathing pattern to relax the body and establish calmness. Thus, it can be a good way to lighten up your body and get to sleep faster.

The steps are:

  • To begin with, move the tip of your tongue and place it behind your upper front teeth.
  • Breathe out totally through your mouth and make a ‘whoosh’ sound.
  • Close your mouth and breathe in through your nose while counting ‘four’.
  • Hold your breath and count to seven.
  • Open your mouth and breathe out totally, making a whoosh sound and count ‘eight’.
  • Do the pattern again for three times.


The circadian rhythm is a natural regulatory system that alerts our bodies to keep alertness when out in the day and sleep at night.

Getting into the natural schedule by following the same sleeping pattern everyday helps you go to sleep and wake up just about the same time everyday.


This the most common cause that keeps people awake late at night. Watching films, or tv shows, browsing social media or using the internet.

These disrupt your sleeping schedule by keeping you awake at unusual times. Holding onto phones or playing games can also be addicting, so it would be better if you keep your devices off for the night.


Read something when you’re in bed, it helps relax your mind and senses. But take note that reading from physical books is much suggested than e-books for e-books expose the body to light that could decrease melatonin levels in the body.

These are based on an article from Healthline.

Did you find this helpful? What tips do you personally use to sleep earlier?

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