Fox New Referred To War With Iran As ‘Just A Video Game’
WAR – During a segment, Fox News host treated the circumstance of war with Iran as ‘just a video game’ saying its now about machines.

Tensions between US and Iran is still on the rise. Recently, a rocket made land contact close to the United States embassy in Iraq.
The on-going tension between the two powerful countries have caught media attention and spurred conversations amongst concerned individuals.
Meanwhile, as the US President Donald Trump talks about Iran previously, his stance got supported last Thursday afternoon when the Fox News host who referred to the war in the Middle East as ‘just a video game.’
During the segment, right after Jesse Watters – a Fox News political commentator – humorously introduced another host – Greg Gutfeld – as The Five’s “global affairs analyst”, Gutfeld went on to express his prediction about a fully bloodless conflict with Iran.
He then explained that he got the ‘video game’ analogy relating it to the conflict from the show’s prompter operator.
“And I think that’s good news,” he said.
After that, he proceeded with the rest of his statement talking about how nowadays conflicts disregard population count and how it is now about machine possessions.
“Drones are now replacing bones,” he said referring to the use of machines in conflicts. He then added: “So, it will be stuff versus stuff, and fortunately for us, we have the best stuff.”
Now referring to the state’s available machines.
Gutfeld also raised the question on how can one retaliate against a machine. He was mentioning about the surveillance drone that was shot and put down by Iranians.
This is according to an article from Daily Beast.
He also said:
“They took $160 million worth of machinery from us. We have to do that, which means either hitting some parts of their navy, or refineries, or whatever.”
Mentioning that violent conflicts are now moving away from “…hurling bodies at bodies.”
He said “You retaliate with machines, but I think it’s good news.”
That is all there is to it, at least for now. We’ll post updates as soon as we got them.