Meaning and Examples of Synonyms & Antonyms Taught in English
SYNONYMS & ANTONYMS – Here are their meaning and as well as some examples under these two(2) terms taught in English.
Undeniably, the English subject has a wide scope. It is taught from kindergarten to college and the level of the difficulty of topics is on ascending mode.
In the pre-school and elementary years, the basic lessons are being taught. Most of these lessons exhibit foundation knowledge or learning that will be applied in the other lessons in the subject.
One of the topics that is usually taught in the pre-school and elementary years is the Synonyms and Antonyms. Many surely find this as a very easy and fun topic.

In this article, we will have a short discussion or review of the meanings of Synonyms and Antonyms. Also, there will be some examples under each of them.
The synonym refers another word that has a similar meaning with the word you wanted to change in a sentence. They may have different spelling and pronunciation but they somehow go in parallel in terms of what they convey.
- Big – Huge
- Pretty – Beautiful
- Long – Lengthy
- Put – Place
- Talk – Speak
- Eat – Partake
- Nice – Kind
- Generous – Giving
- Praise – Commend
- Cold – Cool
The opposite of synonyms is the antonyms. This term refers to words which have totally opposite meanings. The extent of their differences brings really brings them on the other sides of what they what to convey.
- Big – Small
- Beautiful – Ugly
- Short – Tall
- Light – Dark
- Thick – Thin
- Up – Down
- Generous – Selfish
- Wealthy – Poor
- Dirty – Clean
- Fat – Thin
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