SMALLEST DOG BREEDS – List of 7 Dog Breeds w/ the Smallest Sizes

7 Smallest Dog Breeds You May Consider For An Indoor Pet

SMALLEST DOG BREEDS – Here is a list of seven(7) breeds of dogs that have the smallest sizes in the dog world.

A lot of people are dog lovers and, every day, more and more people are getting hooked to them. Many are falling in love with the nature of this kind of animal – a man’s bestfriend.

Dogs are loyal, loving, and protective when it comes to their owners. At times, they may be hard on strangers but it is always out of the pursuit to guard its territory and its family.

There are a lot of breeds of dogs in the dog world. In fact, there are these smallest dog breeds that are perfect for indoor pets (can sleep right beside you in a bed).

Based on an article on TMW, here is a list of seven(7) smallest dog breeds in the world of dogs:

7. Shih Tzu

The Shih Tzu may come in different sizes if the dam and sire are not of the same breed but, for pure Shih Tzus, they are generally small. They can be as small as four(4) kilograms in weight only.

Shih Tzu
Photo Courtesy of Prestige Animal Hospital

6. Pug

One of cutest breeds of dog, the pug, may have a maximum height of 14 inches and just between six(6) to nine(9) kilograms in weight. They are noted for their deep wrinkles on their face.

Smallest Dog Breeds

5. Papillon

The Papillon is the breed of dog with ears that are like butterflies. Its name means butterfly as well. Its maximum height is 11 inches and can weigh between 3.6 to 4.5 kilograms only.

Photo Courtesy of Select Dog Breeds

4. Toy Poodle

Known for their curly fur, the Toy Poodle has a maximum height of 10 inches only. For the weight, this dog which is known for its intelligence and faithfulness may weight only up to four(4) kilograms.

Toy Poodle
Photo Courtesy of Pet Central

3. Pomeranian

Also one of the smallest dog breeds is the Pomeranian. It can weigh up to 3.5 kilogram only. They are excellent watchdogs despite of their small nature.

Smallest Dog Breeds
Photo Courtesy of Canna-Pet

2. Yorkshire Terrier

The Yorkshire Terrier can weight up to 3.2 kilograms only based on the article. They have small heads, V-shaped ears, and black medium sized eyes.

Yorkshire Terrier
Photo Courtesy of Wag

1. Chihuahua

The one with the least weight is the Chihuahua. Originated in Mexico, the Chihuahua can weight not more than 2.7 kilograms.

Smallest Dog Breeds
Photo Courtesy of Dogster

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