Rotting Foods Containing Worms Allegedly Sold in Carinderia Elicits Comments Online
The photos of a certain ‘carinderia’ allegedly selling rotting foods containing worms garnered various reactions from the online community.
Nowadays, most Filipino people love to eat in ‘Carindera’ a food stall with a small seating area in a market or beside the road.
Carinderia usually sells different types of dishes at an affordable price with the aim to attract more customers.

However, there are some customers complaining about “carinderia” dishes containing unwanted substances.
The Food and Drug Administration also advised the public to be more aware when buying food products.

Recently, the Facebook page “Matalinong Matsing” shared the photos of a small food stall that allegedly sells rotting foods containing worms.

The social media page identified the food stall as “Mark Joseph Ent./Eatery”.

Here is the full post:

The online community has also expressed their reactions regarding the photos:
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