List of 7 Effective Ways Under Nausea Treatment
NAUSEA TREATMENT – Here is a list of seven(7) effective and easy ways to relieve nausea.
Aside from fever and colds, another common sickness that a lot of people usually deal with is nausea. It is an uncomfortable feeling brought by upset stomach making the person want to vomit.
With regards to its causes, pregnancy and long travels are included. It can spark in several other situations too like riding some carnival rides.
Nausea treatment can be done at home or anywhere you are depending on which relief method you would want to apply. In this article, we’ll talk about some effective ways to get rid of this uncomfortable feeling.

Based on an article on Health Line, here is a list of seven(7) effective and easy ways under the nausea treatment:
1. Lemon
Most especially for pregnant women dealing with nausea, lemons can help relieve the feeling of discomfort. Simply slice a lemon and enjoy its citrusy smell.
2. Controlled breathing
Based on the article, researches show that controlling the breath can actually ease nausea. Simple inhale through your nose to the count of three, hold your breath for another three counts, and exhale to same count.
3. Eat some ginger
Experts believe that the compounds in ginger may have similar effects with those in medicines against the said sickness. However, the in take should also be done with limits most especially for people who are prone to low blood sugar and low blood pressure.
4. Get some massage
One nausea treatment suggested by studies is getting some massage on the lower arm and the lower leg. It may last up to 20 minutes to relax the muscles.
5. Choose your food
Among the suggested food to eat to relieve nausea are rice, crackers, bananas, baked potatoes, and applesauce. These do not only relieve nausea but also lowers the stomach upset a person is feeling.
6. Do not lie down right away after eating
You may experience nausea due to acid reflux. Based on the article, it is suggested to wait 30-60 minutes after the meal before going to bed to sleep.
7. Keep yourself hydrated
Nausea can be triggered by dehydration that is why there is really a need to replenish the electrolytes that the body is losing due to vomiting. You can do it by drinking more water and other fluids rich in electrolytes.