Facebook Can’t Remove ‘Fake News’ Posts

Facebook Recently Revealed That They Cannot Take Down ‘Fake News’

FACEBOOK CAN’T REMOVE – The popular social media networking site cannot remove posts containing fake information.

Although Facebook has been working on developing their site to combat false information, it simply can’t remove all the false information posted on the platform.

Facebook Can't Remove
Photo taken from www.firstpost.com

Recently Facebook took necessary actions in combatting false information by targeting groups that spread them. This, according to them, will be done by putting trust indicator features.

Read more about it here.

Guy Rosen, Facebook’s Vice President of Integrity and Tessa Lyons, Facebook’s Head of News Feed Integrity published in blog post a statement claiming that they are currently working on resolving the content issues and suspicious content that do not match their standards for removal.

This is according to an article from MSN.

These suspicious contents that are allowed in the platform include misinformation, clickbait and harmful outbound links.

They both explained the processes they are taking to address the problems with malicious content in this statement posted on the blog:

“Our professional fact-checking partners are an important piece of our strategy against misinformation, but they face challenges of scale. There simply aren’t enough professional fact-checkers worldwide and, like all good journalism, fact-checking takes time.”

Basically saying that although malicious content can be assessed, there’s just too many of them that checking each and every one would take so much time.

Facebook has also reiterated that they are not in the position to judge whether the information shared on the platform is true or not.

Although, contents with false information are not removed, Facebook has banned groups and individual accounts that share or spread them.

Also, it was said that accounts that keep on posting false information are ‘downranked’, meaning they will be less visible in news feeds.

That is all there is to it for now. We’ll post updates as soon as we got them.

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