3 Planets Named After Filipino Students

Massachusetts Institute of Technology Named 3 Minor Planets After Filipino Students

3 PLANETS NAMED – Three Filipino high school students who won in 2018 during The Intel International Science and Engineering Fair inspired the names of three minor planets.

This year has been great for Filipino students!

3 planets named
Photo from Philstar | www.philstar.com

Massachusetts Institute of Technology decided long ago that they will be naming asteroids discovered by their laboratory after excellent students during their competitions. The three award-winning students were Eugene Rivera, Keith Russel Cadores and Joscel Kent Manzanero from Naga City.

All from Camarines Sur National High School, the team won second place in a contest during the 2018 Intel Internatinal Science and Engineering Fair (ISEF) at Pittsburgh.

The team developed solar-tracking photovoltaic panels and turned it in as their entry.

Based on an article from Philstar, the team won second place at the contest, under the “Energy: Physical” category.

They were then awarded certificates signifying the basis of the naming of three minor planets on their names. Department of Education Secretary Leonor Briones revealed that the brilliant product of the teams’ work stood out among many participants in her statement:

“Among the researches of 1,802 participants from 81 countries, the products of your long toil and tedious study stood out.”

She also expressed for the entire department that they congratulate the Philippines’ Team and that they are proud of what Filipino K-12 learners can do.

She said that the team showed the world what the creativity and innovativeness of the learners can do to beat the odds and compete internationally.

Another Intel Internatinal Science and Engineering Fair (ISEF) will be hosted this May. The event would be held at Phoenix, Arizona.

Currently, the Department of Education is reviewing six projects to represent the Filipino Students this May.

That is all there is to it, at least for now. We will post updates as soon as we got them.

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