LEFT-HANDED: 5 Unexpected Facts About People Who Write Using Their Left Hand

List of 5 Facts About Left-Handed Individuals

LEFT-HANDED – Here is a list of five(5) unexpected facts about people who write using their left hand.

Undeniably, most people write using their right hand but there are also those that utilize their left hand in writing, drawing, painting, etc. Nowadays, the reality of the latter does not anymore appear as strange.

Left-Handed People
Photo Courtesy of Open Universities

Studies were done regarding the cause of the differences when it comes to the hand used in writing. Researches were led to brain differences. It is found that people who utilize their left hands mainly have a lot of nerve fibers.

Based on an article on Washington Post, those infants who lost most of their nerve fibers while they were inside the womb of their mother turned out to be right-handed people.

With regards to left-handed people, facts about them have crossed the surface. Based on an article on The Week, here is a list of five(5) unexpected facts about these individuals:

1. They are more prone to fear.

Based on the article, people who write using their left hands are more prone to fear since their dominant side of the brain is on fear response.

2. They can be more mad.

Citing the Daily Mail, individuals who are lefties may be angrier than the ones who use their right hand in writing as the areas in the brain that releases negative emotions have greater work.

3. Lefties are more hesitant.

Citing Wright’s study, it was discovered that lefties are more “restrained” and they are more concerned about making mistakes.

4. Left = Good

Based on the article, just like how the right-handed people associate their right hands with good, the left-handed individuals link their left hand with good as found in a study.

5. Bears edge in politics

Stanford researcher Daniel Casasanto found that in political events like debates, the gestures of the lefties convey more positivity compared to the movements of those who write using their right hand. It was specifically noted in the appearance on television of the way their hands move while making speeches.

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