List of 5 Types of Headache & How To Determine Each of Them
TYPES OF HEADACHE – Here is a list of five(5) types of headache and how to determine them.
One of the usual health problem that we may encounter is headache. It can be caused by the slightest reason like the heat of the sun to the alarming ones like the serious medical conditions.
Headache actually has different types and each can be determined through its symptoms. There are five(5) primary types of headache based on an article on Medical News Today.
1. Migraine
One of the most popular types of headache is Migraine. A lot of people are aware whenever their migraine attacks as they can feel a throbbing pain in just one side of their head. It is usually triggered by stress.
Symptoms of Migraine:
- Seeing zig-zagging lines, flickering lights, or spots
- partial loss of vision
- Numbness
- Muscle weakness
- Difficulty speaking

2. Cluster Headache
Another kind of headache is the cluster headache. Based on the article, men are more prone to this than women. It is characterized by intense pain behind or around one eye.
Symptoms of Cluster Headache:
- watering eye
- swollen eyelid
- a blocked or a runny nose
- sensitivity to light and sound
- restlessness or agitation
3. Tension Headache
Also one of the types of headache is the tension headache. It is another common headache aside from migraine. It is characterized by constant pain on both sides of the head.
Symptoms of Tension Headache:
- tenderness of the face, head, neck, and shoulders
- a feeling of pressure behind the eyes
- sensitivity to light and sound

4. Hypnic Headache
Based on the article, this kind of headache usually starts when a person reaches 50 years old. It is also called as “alarm clock” headaches as they awaken people at night.
Symptoms of Hypnic Headche:
- mild to moderate throbbing pain on both sides of the head
- nausea
- sensitivity to light and sound
5. Exertional Headache
One of the primary types of headache is the exertional headache which is caused by a tiring physical exercise. It is usually triggered by jumping, running, coughing, and weight lifting.
Symptoms of Exertional Headache:
- throbbing pain throughout the head
- short-lived but can also continue the pain for two(2) days
We’re pleased to have helped you on your inquiry regarding the primary types of headache. Thank you for visiting us. Rest assured we’ll continue to post informative updates.
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