PIONEER TRAVEL INSURANCE: List Of Benefits Per Travel Insurance

List of Pioneer Travel Insurance, Their Benefits

PIONEER TRAVEL INSURANCE – Here is a list of the travel insurances offered by Pioneer and as well as the benefits of each.

Undeniably, a lot of us are fond of traveling. It is through it that we get to see new places, witness different cultures, connect with other people, and make memories we will surely never forget.

However, truths be told that not all of our adventures may give us only happy memories. There is always an undeniable fact that we may encounter unfortunate incidents we never wanted to happen.

This is where the benefit of a travel insurance comes in. It is a whole lot different if we go knowing that we are insured on our travel and the inconveniences would be a lot smoother to hand.

One of the companies in the Philippines that offer travel insurances is the Pioneer. It offers insurances that “cover the costs and losses, and reduce the risks associated with unexpected events” that can be encountered during a travel.

Pioneer Travel Insurance

Based on the official website of the insurance company, here is a short list of two(2) Pioneer travel insurance that you can apply for:

Do you want to apply for a Pioneer travel insurance? You may choose one of the aforementioned insurances above for more secure travel with your loved ones.

You may begin your application online or you can also start by visiting a Pioneer insurance company office or inquiring through its agent. You will be given a set of requirements.

Should you wish to inquire online, you may follow these steps:

Step 1 – Visit the official website of the company.

Pioneer Travel Insurance
Screengrabbed from Pioneer

Step 2 – Drag your pointer to “Products” tab and look for “Travel”. Choose whether you are applying for the TravelSmart Travel Insurance or Safe Trip Travel Insurance and click it.

Pioneer Travel Insurance
Screengrabbed from Pioneer

Step 3 – You will be redirected to a page that specifically presents the benefits of the travel insurance you wanted to apply for with Pioneer. Read and, at the bottom, you will encounter the portion where you can make your inquiry.

Pioneer Travel Insurance
Screengrabbed from Pioneer

We’re pleased to have helped you on your inquiry regarding the travel insurances offered by Pioneer. Thank you for visiting us. Rest assured we’ll continue to post informative updates.

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