Video Footage of Disrespectful Student Bullying Class Teacher Goes Viral

Disrespectful Student Bullying Class Teacher Caught on Camera

The video footage of a disrespectful student bullying their class teacher inside the classroom goes viral after it was posted on the social media.

Nowadays, bullying has been one of the most controversial and discussed topics on the social media.

The increasing cases of bullying leading to depression and eventually suicide are very alarming and raised the concern of the public.

Bullying has been very popular among young people and teenagers but we could rarely see students bullying their teacher.

Recently, a Facebook user named Putri Rizky has shared the video footage of a student bullying his teacher inside the classroom.

Disrespectful Student

In the video, it can be seen that the disrespectful student suddenly pushed his male teacher after entering the room.

The teacher tried to rebuke the student and stay calm but the arrogant boy keeps on provoking and disrespecting the educator.

The other students inside the room were cheering their classmate to continue bullying the helpless teacher.

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