PCSO Mini Sweepstakes Special Christmas Draw December 23, 2018

List of Prizes for the PCSO Mini Sweepstakes Special Christmas Draw on December 23, 2018

PCSO MINI SWEEPSTAKES SPECIAL CHRISTMAS DRAW DECEMBER 23, 2018 – The Philippine Charity Sweepstakes Office will be holding a special Christmas draw on December 23.

Undeniably, a huge part of the Filipino populace is into playing lotto games by the PCSO. For this Christmas season, the PCSO is preparing a special draw for the lotto bettors and those who wish to join the fun.

VISIT:Ā PCSO Special Christmas Draw: Get A Chance To Win Up To P500,000.00

Based on the official website of the PCSO,Ā it will be having a special Christmas draw. The PCSO mini sweepstakes draw will be held on December 23, 2018. Big prizes would be given away.

PCSO Mini Sweepstakes Special Christmas Draw

During the PCSO mini sweepstakes special Christmas draw on December 23, 2018, you can win as much as Php 500,000.00. You just have to buy ticket shares which is at only Php 6.00 each.

According to PCSO, one whole ticket consists of five (5) shares. Every booklet which is at Php 300.00 each consists of fifty tickets. It is already inclusive of the 20% DST.

With just Php 300.00, you already have several shares which can be equal to greater chances of winning the 1st prize.

With regards to the prizes that will be given away during the PCSO mini sweepstakes special Christmas draw on December 23, 2018, here is a list of the monetary rewards:

  • 1st Prize – Php 500,000.00
  • 2nd Prize – Php 250,000.00
  • 3rd Prize – Php 200,000.00
  • 4th Prize – Php 75,000.00
    Note: Two 4th prize winners would be obtained and each will receive Php 75,000.00
  • Res. Prize – Php 36, 363.64

Most likely, just as many Filipino people engage in the lotto games of the PCSO, a big part of the populace will also take chances in the PCSO mini sweepstakes special Christmas draw. You can win as much as half a million.

What can you say about it? Feel free to leave your reactions or thoughts through comments below.

6 thoughts on “PCSO Mini Sweepstakes Special Christmas Draw December 23, 2018”

  1. Merry Christmas, please let me know the result of mini sweepstake draw on December 23,2018. I ask in the outlet of lotto, they said check in the newspaper. I can not find it anymore in the newspaper or even in the Google no results at all today is Dec. 26, how can I know the results.


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