Price Comparison Between Philippines & Other Nations On Petroleum Products
The price comparison of petroleum products between the Philippines and other countries have been exposed on the social media.
Nowadays, the increasing prices of basic commodities and grocery products have been the major concern of the Filipino people.
The price hike of petroleum products was also linked to the inflation contributing to the burden of our fellow countrymen.
Recently, the prevailing petroleum prices in the country compared to other nations have been posted online converted to peso.
The comparative pump prices on September 26, 2018 (Wednesday) shows that Hong Kong has the most expensive pump prices of both diesel amounting P96.69 per liter and 117.88 for gasoline per liter.
Meanwhile, the price of diesel in the Philippines is P46.95/liter while gasoline is P59.50/liter, which is much lower compared to the price in Hong Kong.
The cheapest petroleum prices are found in Malaysia wherein diesel is only P28.79/liter and gasoline for P28.19/liter also.
The social media users have also expressed their reactions on the post:
VeryGood-Biboy: “The caption states “Comparative Pump Prices”. It is really limited to a comparison of pumpprices among countries alone excluding those things you mentioned otherwise its a totally different study altogether. Better yet, do the study you want and share it w/ us. Godbless”
Alt Bong GaGo: “Right! Baka kasi gawin na naman itong excuse ng mga ka-DDS.’
Tony.IMHO: “Using California because they have the highest state tax on fuel.”
Boy Valenzuela: “Should have included European countries to make Philippines feel better.”
What can you say about this? Just feel free to leave your comments and reactions to this article.