Senator Trillanes’ Amnesty Certificate Photo Revealed On Social Media
The photo of the amnesty certificate granted to Senator Antonio Trillanes IV has been finally exposed on the social media.
Previously, President Rodrigo Duterte revokes the amnesty granted to Senator Trillanes because of his alleged failure to apply for amnesty and refusal to admit his crimes with the Oakwood Mutiny in 2003 and Manila Peninsula Siege in 2007.
Mr. Duterte has also ordered the arrest of Trillanes and to pursue all the administrative and criminal charges against the lawmaker.
The president was claiming that the incumbent senator did not file an Official Amnesty Application Form.
Malacañang Palace has also denied that President Duterte has political motives in voiding Trillanes amnesty.
However, there are some reports showing that Trillanes filed his amnesty inside Camp Aguinaldo.
Recently, the Twitter page “Remate News Online” has uploaded the photo of the certificate of amnesty allegedly received by Senator Trillanes.
The photo shows the amnesty certificate granted by former President Benigno Aquino III to the lawmaker dated January 21, 2011.
The amnesty certificate was signed by National Defense Secretary Voltaire T. Gazmin and JAGS Lieutenant Coloner Erwin VA Machina III.
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