Filipino Singer Jim Paredes Slams President Duterte Over ‘Stupid God’ Remark
The Filipino celebrity Jim Paredes has slammed President Rodrigo Duterte for blasting Christian beliefs and ‘stupid God’ remarks.
President Rodrigo Duterte has been the headlines of several local news outlets and countless social media pages after blasting the religious belief of Catholics.
Mr. Duterte called God as stupid and questioned the story of creation, which was clearly written in the Bible.
The Philippine president garnered different reactions from Catholic believers and popular personalities.
Recently, the Filipino singer Jim Paredes has lambasted President Duterte for mocking Christian beliefs.
On his Twitter post, Paredes wrote that Duterte really has the right to freedom of speech and he has also the right to be stupid.
The 66-year-old singer said that the president disrespects his people by blasting the religious beliefs.
Here is the full post:
“Malacanang says Duterte has a right to freedom of speech. I absolutely agree. He also has the right to be stupid which he exercises almost daily. The real issue is DISRESPECTING HIS PEOPLE BY MOCKING THEIR RELIGIOUS BELIEFS.”
The social media users have also expressed their reactions on the post:
Anniannichan: “Or if he gets criticized for his actions, he should learn to take the heat and not jail those speaking out against him. Freedom of expression goes both ways.”
Gruzondiman: “I checked Mocha’s page. She’s at it again. Ruined my morning – the feeling of tasting crap just to check if it’s really crap. Oh crap.”
Nojo Mojo: “Yes, he has a right to free speech, and we have the right to criticize him. Free speech is not free from consequence.”
Alma: “And disrepecting God by calling him stupid which is the real issue here. We may have different beliefs, opinions and views in life but calling God stupid is a disrespect. Duterte is really sick and insane…”
Wisdom: “Freedom of speech…..lahat pwede sabihin, pero hindi lahat dapat. Even when you speak, it should always be accorded with consideration and RESPECT.”
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