Filipino Celebrities React To President Duterte’s Tirade Against God

Filipino Celebrities React To President Duterte’s Tirade Against God

The popular Filipino celebrities have expressed their reactions to President Duterte’s tirade against God and Catholic Church.

Over the past few days, President Rodrigo Duterte has been one of the most controversial personalities in the country after releasing distasteful remarks against God and Christian beliefs.

Mr. Duterte called God ‘Stupid’ and even question the story of creation, which was clearly written and stated in the Bible.

Filipino Celebrities

“Who is this stupid God? Estupido talaga itong p***** i** kung ganun. You created something perfect and then you think of an event that would tempt and destroy the quality of your work,” Duterte said on his speech at the 2018 National ICT Summit in Davao City.

Several Filipino celebrities have reacted and expressed their disappointment on Duterte’s ‘stupid God’ remark.

Filipino Celebrities

Agot Isidro: “Pitiful, decaying, old man.”

Filipino Celebrities

Jim Paredes: “Dear Dut. Du you really need to insult the Catholics and Christians. Must you keep creating enemies? or do you really have mental illness, dementia, psychosis, etc.. and you can’t help it? In short, are you still in charge of your mental faculties?’’

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Alessanda de Rossi: “Exodus 20:7 You shall not take the name of the Lord your God in vain, for the Lord will not hold him guiltless who takes His name in vain.”

Filipino Celebrities

Rita Avila: ”To those who have not seen my post, u may check on P.E.P. & Rappler.
I decided to delete it when people were exchanging wounding words to each other already despite my encouragement to leave healing & positive words instead.
We are all so wounded. We need to heal each other. Or can u heal urselves as a start? U can do this by using kind words meant for urself & for another.”

Filipino Celebrities

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