Latest Prediction On When Will Be The End Of The World Revealed
The latest prediction regarding the exact date of the end of the world has been finally revealed and it was already at hand.
The ‘end of the world’ has been the most controversial topics throughout the centuries regarding when and how it will exactly happen.
Countless predictions made by famous personalities have already existed in the past but none of them yet happened.
Nowadays, the planet experiences catastrophic events such as volcanic eruptions, earthquakes, tsunamis, storms, and other natural disasters.
Another prediction claims that the world will end in 2018 when Planet X hits Earth, according to the theory of David Meade.
Meade said that the astrological phenomenon featuring the alignment of the sun, moon, and Jupiter, in the constellation Virgo supports his theory that a planet will hit the Earth.
Meade’s astronomical theory also coincides with the famous Bible book of “Revelation” revealing the biblical Rapture will start on April 23, 2018, to be followed by the rise of the antichrist.
However, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) denied the existence of the planet ‘X’.
What can you say about this? Do you really believe that the world will end on April 23? Just feel free to leave your comments and reactions to this article.
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