MUST-READ! Angeli Valenciano’s Touching 33rd Anniversary Message For Husband Gary Valenciano

Angeli Valenciano posts a 33rd-anniversary message for husband Gary Valenciano.

Angeli Valenciano took the social media to share and post her deep gratitude and happiness as she celebrated the 33rd anniversary with husband Gary Valenciano.

On the Instagram account of Angeli Valenciano is where she posted her heartfelt message for her husband, the Mr. Pure Energy Gary Valenciano.

The photo depicted her and her husband on their younger years obviously taken on the day of their wedding.

The posted image has been entailed with a message which contains her message for her husband.

They are truly one of the couples who are truly #couplegoals or #relationshipgoals. They are one of the people lucky enough to have found the most genuine love with the person they have loved the most as well.

Tested through time, their love for each other seemed never faded away.

“Marriage isn’t a sprint, it’s a marathon. I never really knew what I was getting into when I vowed “in sickness and in health… for better or for worse…till death do us part,” Angeli said on the post.

Upon reading her post, people of the online community seemed to have regained their trust and faith in love again.

For nowadays, everything has followed the trend of getting something in an instant to which unfortunately includes love. Some people tend to take something or rather, someone for granted.

Read the Angeli’s full message to husband below:

“(My phone crashed. So this comes a bit delayed ….. )
Has it been 33 years? Marriage isn’t a sprint, it’s a marathon. I never really knew what I was getting into when I vowed “in sickness and in health… for better or for worse…till death do us part.” Being married to a Type 1 diabetic and a creative genius at the same time has been quite a movie-in-the-making! So much drama! But many times ours has also been a romcom! (Romantic comedy) People say we’re their #couplegoals or #relationshipgoals but really ours has been one that has been saddled with challenges and trials and all sorts of emotional and physical ups and downs but God’s Word became our bar and measure and He has had our backs for all of those 33 years! We fall …we stand up. We have triumphs, we celebrate. We fight and argue we make up. We have trials… we’ve prayed! We have three children and tried to raise them in the best way we could. Plus now we have Sam and Leia. And through it, all God has seen us through every tear, every victory, every single time. Thank you Gary for being there for me and for loving me despite my weaknesses and imperfections. And I know you would say the same for me … haha It’s not after all how we start that counts but how we finish. So I know that we will create so many more lovely memories to celebrate a life that has been blessed and I want to thank our Lord Jesus for our love and our family. Still being molded and pruned. “But His mercies are new every morning! Great is His faithfulness.” Happy Anniversary and Happy Birthday Gary!! I love you so much. My prayer is that one day you will be diabetes-free!  Not an easy prayer to answer but nothing is too difficult for Jesus!”

Isn’t Angel the sweetest?

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