Real Economic Impact Of Martial Law In Mindanao Revealed By DND

DND Reveals The Real Economic Impact Of Martial Law In Mindanao

The Department of National Defense (DND) has revealed the real economic impact of President Duterte’s proclamation of martial law in Mindanao.

On May 23, 2017, President Rodrigo Duterte declared martial law throughout the entire Mindanao due to the extended gun battle between the government forces and the Maute Terror Group in Marawi City and severely affects its residents.

The martial rule in the south was set to expire on July 23, 2017, a day before the second State of the Nation Address (SONA) of President Duterte on July 24, 2017. The president also wanted to extend the martial law to control the situation in Mindanao.

Real Economic Impact

The ongoing conflict in the beleaguered city was already trying to resolve by the government forces. There are some reports stating that the government troops were almost in control of Marawi City.

On Wednesday (July 19, 2017), during the sidelines of the Financial Executives Institution of the Philippines (FINEX) general membership meeting in Makati City, Defense Undersecretary Cardozo M. Luna revealed the real impact of martial law in the south.

“Sa ngayon, makikita mo minimal palang naman. Kasi, alam mo, ‘yung impact sa economics, matagal ‘yan, merong trickle down,” said by Luna quoted by GMA.

Real Economic Impact

Luna explained that the effects of the extended martial law in Mindanao would take some time to be totally determined. He also said that they need to the review on the effects of martial law because things might become worse if they will not do it.

The Defense Usec also said that the effect of the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) can’t be determined yet, for it needs to undergo in gestation period, which may take some time. He also explained that if the siege in the south could not be immediately resolve that things may really get worse.

What can you say about the effects of martial law? Just feel free to leave your comments and reactions for this article.

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