NUJP Condemns Blogger Over Putting Photojournalist Covering Marawi Siege In Danger

Blogger Condemned By NUJP For Endangering The Life Of A Photojournalist Covering Marawi Siege

The National Union of Journalists of the Philippines (NUJP) has condemned a blogger after endangering the life of photojournalist covering the Marawi Siege.

RJ Nieto, the publisher of the blog site Thinking Pinoy has been mentioned by the photojournalist in his statement urging the blogger to recant his statement or he will face a charge of “Legal Repercussions.”

On Tuesday (June 20, 2017), NUJP has condemned Thinking Pinoy and Mr. RJ Nieto for allegedly putting the life of a photojournalist Jez Aznar in danger. Aznar was currently assigned to cover the clash between the Maute Terror Group and government troops in Marawi City.


“We condemn Thinking Pinoy and Mr. Nieto for endangering a journalist, more so on unfounded reasons. We likewise condemn those who threaten our colleague who was simply doing his job,” said by NUJP quoted by Philstar.

The article entitled “Jez Aznar, Get Out of Mindanao for Your Own Good,” which was posted by Thinking Pinoy lambasted the photojournalist for allegedly exposing the exact position and location of the snipers of Philippine soldiers, which he has posted in the social media. The blog site said that the video compromised the safety and strategy of AFP snipers.

The blog site also cited the suspension of habeas corpus stating that Mr. Aznar could be arrested anytime without warrant for abetting the terrorist.


The photographer defended posting the video, saying that it was a screen grab of an Instagram account taken more than 3 weeks ago. He also said that media are fully aware of the danger involved in their duty just to keep the public updated.

NUJP expresses their concern for Jes Aznar who received threats for covering the Marawi Siege. It also urged the authorities to protect and assist Aznar from those threats.

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