Russia Claims Islamic State Leader al-Baghdadi Killed On Airstrike

Islamic State Leader al-Baghdadi Killed On Airstrike In Syria, Russia Says

Russia was claiming that it killed the Islamic State (IS) leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi in an airstrike in Syria targeting the meeting of IS leaders.

Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi is the leader of the Sunni militant jihadist organization or popularly known as the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant. The group was known for their terrorist activities, which controls different countries all around the world.

On Friday (June 16, 2017), the social media site Inquirer has uploaded a video on YouTube shows how Russia claimed that it killed the leader of the Islamic State Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi in an airstrike in Syria last May 28, 2017.

Islamic State

Moscow’s defense ministry confirmed that they launch an attack after receiving intelligence reports that the ISIS chief was meeting his senior commanders. It also claims that al-Baghdadi might possibly die on the recent airstrike.

Islamic State

The airstrike last for 10-minute, which strike between 12:35 to 12:45 in the morning. SU-34 and SU-35 warplanes claimed that they have killed up to half a dozen senior leaders of the groups, 30 field commanders, and about 300 fighters in the meeting.

The spokesman for the U.S –led anti-IS coalition stated that he could not yet confirm Russia’s claim. The report regarding the death of IS leader comes as the Islamic State suffers major setbacks in which they have lost wide areas of territory and strongholds such Mosul in Iraq and Syria’s Raqqa.

The reports claiming the ISIS leader was eliminated by airstrikes have been frequent over the past three years.

If the claims were proven to be true, the death of the ISIS leader would raise the prestige of Russian President Vladimir Putin.

The Russian ministry said that Is leaders such as Abu al Khadji al Myori, Ibrahim al-Naef al-Khadj, and Suleiman al-Shauah.

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