The runaway groom from China tried to drown himself, here’s the reason why.
RUNAWAY GROOM – A man in China who found himself trapped in an arranged marriage escape himself from the bride and got to drown himself in the river.
According to the report in Rachfeed on their site, the groom escape and just decided to suffocate himself under the water is because of the reason that his supposed to be wife is ugly.
Despite the modernity of the world today, there are still countries or persons who is still intact with their culture like the arranged marriage. Some of the countries who still do it until today are India, Pakistan, Japan, China and Israel.
They are still doing the said tradition for practical reasons.
However, a groom in China who found himself cut off and confined in arrange marriage with an ugly bride decided to just drown himself in the river.
Based on report, it was his only mean to get away from the marriage with his unsightly bride.
Kang Hu, the groom, is just 33 years old and was not really stirred the first time he threw a glance on his future wife, Na Sun, which is 30 years old, younger than him by three years.
He apologized to Na Sun then broke free from the ceremony held at Shiyan City and did the unexpected incident.
Time passed and his body was discovered in a river. He was unconscious yet still remains to be fully clothed. He was rescued then and was quickly brought to the hospital and doctors announced that his condition is stable.
In an interview, he revealed the truth why he chose to do it instead of marrying the woman.
He stated, “I feel bad about what happened but when I saw her she wasn’t what I expected and I realized she would be bad for my image.”
He even added that his parents was the one who decided and arranged it and he couldn’t think of any way out except “committing suicide”.