Scientists Discovers New Vaccine To Permanently Remove Acne, Pimples

New Vaccine Discovered To  Permanently Remove Acne, Pimples

Researchers and scientists were working on a new vaccine that can permanently eliminate unwanted acne, pimples, and other skin problems.

Pimples and acne were a long-term skin disease, which usually occurs when hair follicles are clogged with dead skin cells and oil from the skin. This skin condition can be very embarrassing for someone who has it.

It mainly appears at the upper part of the chest, back, and face, wherein numerous oil glands can be found. People who have these skin problems usually suffers from depression, anxiety, low self-esteem, and worst taking their own lives.

New Vaccine

Acne build-up in the face and body were usually caused by poor hygiene and unhealthy diet. Acne in some areas in the body can be easily treated, but there are some cases where acne are very hard to get rid of.

Eating a healthy diet and changing lifestyle can help individuals to prevent acquiring acne. But, there are many people who can’t get rid of acne no matter how many cosmetics products they use or how they clean their body.

Researchers at the University of California in San Diego, United States, were reportedly making a new vaccine that can permanently remove acne and eliminate its roots. It also aims to eliminate all the bacteria causes the appearance of pimples and acne.

New Vaccine

“Acne is caused, in part, by P. acnes bacteria that are with you, your whole life—and we couldn’t create a vaccine for the bacteria because, in some ways, P. acnes are good for you,” said by Eric C. Huang, the lead researcher of the project quoted by viral4real.

Huang also explained the unconventional method of the projects where they have found antibody fighting toxic protein causing the inflammation of the skin leading to acne.

The vaccine has been tested on skin biopsies from acne patients and obtained a positive result. It will be tested on a human soon when the vaccine is already completed.

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