Watch: Jesus Christ’s Statue Opens Its Eyes Inside Church

Jesus Christ’s Statue Opens Its Eyes In The Middle Of Church Mass

A Jesus Christ’s statue was caught in the camera opening its eyes wide open inside a church, is it a miracle or paranormal activity?

Catholic churches usually display numerous statues or images of the Lord Jesus Christ and saints. Most people were visiting and praying to those statues, as a part of the culture and religious beliefs.

In the Chapel of Saltillo, Coahuila de Zaragoza state in Mexico, the statue of Jesus Christ was spotted opening its eyes in the middle of the mass. The statue opens and stares at the video maker for a few seconds, but it suddenly closed tightly.

Jesus Christ’s Statue

The man who was video recording the incident was shocked in fear of what he has witnessed. The video went viral in the social media after it was posted by Adimensional Paranormal, which garnered different speculations from the netizens.

Netizens have divided opinion regarding the video saying that it was only an optical illusion or the video was edited. While some netizens were claiming that it was really a miracle.

A paranormal enthusiast, Ivan Escamilla, who runs the Adimensional site, priests, special effects designer, and more than 20 paranormal experts studied and analyzed the creepy video footage of the statue and find no proof that the has been edited.

Escamilla and other paranormal experts really believe that the video footage of Jesus Christ’s statue who opens its eyes was real, after spending weeks in analyzing video.

Although the experts believe that the video was genuine, the Roma Catholic diocese of Saltillo in Mexico has dismissed the video and urged the public of refusing to watch the footage. As of now, experts could not yet explain the incident.

The video has been uploaded on Youtube and already garnered more than 5 million views as of this post.

What can you say about this video? Is it really a miracle or might be something else? Just feel free to leave your comments and reactions for this article.

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