Helpful Survival Tips On What To Do During Earthquake

Earthquake Helpful Survival Tips

Natural calamities can happen anywhere and anytime without any signs or warning. Here are some helpful survival tips on what to do during an earthquake.

Disasters and calamities can happen anytime, so being aware and well-prepared are some of the best ways to survive floods, hurricanes, earthquakes, and other catastrophic events, which might damage properties and even take numerous lives.

Being prepared all the time is one of the major keys to escape tragedy and death in the middle of disasters. Here are some helpful survival tips on what to do during an earthquake that can save people’s lives:

Helpful Survival Tips

Before Earthquake

Prepare Emergency Kits

Before unexpected earthquake strikes, it is very important to prepare these following kits:

  • Water and Canned Foods Good for 3 days
  • First-Aid Kit
  • Flashlight
  • Garbage Bags
  • Plastic Ties for Sanitation
  • Can Opener
  • Toilet Paper
  • Battery Powered Radio
  • Spare Batteries

Move Furniture In Safer Position

  • Place Heavy Objects on Lower Shelves
  • Keep Breakable Items Inside Close Cabinets
  • Remove Picture and Mirrors on the Wall
  • Secure Electronic Devices with Flexible Nylon Straps

Repair Defective Electrical Wiring and Leaky Gas Connections

Helpful Survival Tips

During Earthquake


  • Stay calm
  • Protect yourself from falling objects
  • Keep Away from fireplaces, heavy furniture, glass, walls, and appliances
  • Do not use elevator
  • Stay away from windows
  • Stay inside while shaking


  • Stay away from building, streetlights, trees, power lines, and utility wires
  • Move in an open area to avoid falling objects
  • Slow down when you’re driving
  • Check radio for updates

Helpful Survival Tips

After Earthquake

  • Stay calm
  • Prepare for aftershocks
  • Protect body from injuries by wearing proper clothes
  • Immediately treat wounds
  • Check radio for news and safety instructions

If Trapped on Debris

  • Do not move around
  • Cover mouth with cloth or handkerchief
  • Tap a wall or whistle so rescuers can locate you
  • Do not shout, you might inhale dust and gets suffocated

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