Nostradamus Predicts U.S President Donald Trump Causing World War III

U.S President Donald Trump Could Trigger World War III, Based On The Predictions Of Nostradamus

French Philosopher Nostradamus allegedly predicts U.S President Donald Trump as the Anti-Christ who will cause the World War III.

Michel de Nostredame or known as Nostradamus was a French philosopher during the 16th-century. He earned his popularity worldwide due to predictions that would happen hundreds of years after his time and he was also involved in occult sciences.

Nostradamus’ predictions can be found in a book entitles “Les Prophecies” or The Prophecies. In 1555, the 1st of his book was published with 353 quatrains, the 2nd edition was published in 1557 with an addition 289 verses. While the 3rd edition was printed in 1558 with 300 new quatrains.


His predictions leave a mark in the world history when it turns into reality such as The Great Fire of London in 1666, the French Revolution in 1789, the rise of Adolf Hitler, and the 9/11 Terror Attacks.

Some people were accusing the 45th U.S President Donald Trump as the Anti-Christ who will trigger the World War III, based on the following verses written by Nostradamus.

“The false trumpet concealing madness will cause Byzantium to change its laws. From Egypt there will go forth a man who wants the edict withdrawn, changing money and standards.

The trumpet shakes with great discord. An agreement broken: lifting the face to heaven: the bloody mouth will swim with blood; the face anointed with milk and honey lies on the ground.”


The article “What are Presidential Election Predictions 2016 of Nostradamus?” written by Arthur Evans explains that believers were thinking that Trump was representing “the false trumpet” who conceals his own madness.

While Byzantium is a name of ancient city now called as Istanbul in Turkey. Trump took an aggressive posture towards Turkey, which is now in chaos. Evans also said Trump is on enraged after someone betrayed him and after giving his efforts all he received in return was dirt based on verses in Les Prophecies.

What can you say about Nostradamus’ predictions? Do you really believe that Trump is the Anti-Christ, who will cause World War III? Just feel free to leave your comments and reactions for this article.

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