Geologists Discovers Hiding Continent Called “Zealandia”

New Continent Called “Zealandia” Discovered By Geologist Hiding For Millenia

Geologists discovered a new continent called “Zealandia” which is bigger than India that was hiding in plain sight over thousands of years.

Our school teachers and professors were always teaching us that there were seven continents existing in the world including Asia, Europe, North America, South America, Antarctica, Australia, and Africa.But geologist tried to merge Europe and Asia into supercontinent ‘Eurasia’ to make it only a six continents.

A new study on the crust of the earth shows that there was a hiding continent for millennia, according to the 11 researchers involved in the study. 10 of them were working for the institution of the new continent, while the other is working for a university in Australia.


This seventh continent was called ‘Zealandia’ sizing much bigger than India. New Zealand and New Caledonia were not a part if island chains, but a part of a 4.9 million square kilometer slab of continental crust from Australia that’s why it is called as Zealandia.

“This is not a sudden discovery, but a gradual realization; as recently as 10 years ago we would not have had the accumulated data or confidence in interpretation to write this paper,” said by researchers in a journal of Geological Society of America (GSA) study quoted by a business insider.

Zealandia was over 200 million-year-old supercontinent and its discovery isn’t new since the term was coined by Bruce Luyendyk in 1995, a geophysicist at the University of California at Santa Barbara.


The new study was using a new satellite-based elevation and gravity maps of the ancient sea floor, which proves that the new continent is a part of a unified region and confirm that it is one of the earth continents.

What can you say about the new continent called ‘Zealandia’? Just feel free to leave your comments and reactions for this article.

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