Nine Years Without Salary, OFW Shares Horrific Experience She Suffered In Kuwait

OFW in Kuwait claimed nine years without salary from employer.

An Overseas Filipino Worker (OFW) claimed nine years without salary and narrated the horrific experience she suffered from her Kuwaiti employer.

The OFW who claimed to have not received any salary for almost nine years of working for her employer.

According to Kuwait Times, the OFW lost communication with her family for almost a decade. In fact, some of her relatives thought that she was dead.

In an interview with ‘Nena’ (not her real name), she shared that was from Compostela Valley and is 35 years old.

Nine Years Without Her Salary, OFW Shares Horrific Experience She Suffered From Kuwaiti Employer
Nine Years Without Her Salary, OFW Shares Horrific Experience She Suffered From Kuwaiti Employer

She started working at her Kuwaiti employer in June 2005. In her few months in her work, she told Kuwait times that she took money as advance salary so she could pay her loans back home.

“I have to pay some of my loans back home in Compostela so I ask for the advance two-month salary. It was sent back to the Philippines because they provided me with receipts,“ she said.

“For me, it was a demonstration of goodwill from my employer, so I owed that to my employer,” she added.

In the following month, however, she was told that her salaries have been deposited in a bank. Then she started to think that there is something wrong because she never signed any bank documents.

On the fifth month, her situation got worse, she wasn’t allowed to leave the house anymore.

Nena shared that she overheard that her employer is planning to kill her if she tries to escape. Then Physical abuses started, even for the smallest reason.

After her two-year contract ended, she was asked to stay. Nena shared that she never had the chance to call the embassy or even talk to her family.

In 2015, an opportunity came to her, when her sponsor took her to visit a relative. The new helper helped her by calling her family in the Philippines.

Nena and the other OFW were rescued by the Assistance to the Nationals Unit of Embassy after her family called the Philippine Embassy in Kuwait as well as various government offices in Manila. They finally escape on August 25, 2015.

She was asked why she waited for so long, working for nine years without salary before attempting to escape, Nena said, she was too weak and afraid to decide for herself.

Nena’s account and her case are being heard in the Kuwait court and awaiting a resolution soon.

Read the full story of Nena Here: Kuwait Times

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