This Old Natural Remedy Can Cure Menstrual Pain
Almost 50 percent of women worldwide were suffering from cramps during their menstrual period, cure menstrual pain using this old natural remedy.
Women were naturally having a menstrual cycle monthly, but there are some having an irregular period. Most women were experiencing dysmenorrhea or menstrual cramps during the menstruation and 10 percent of them were suffering from severe pain, which prevails them to perform their daily activities.
Dysmenorrhea is painful sensations that be felt in the lower abdomen during the menstrual period of a woman. Menstrual cramps can be felt from mild pain up to severe pain. Most women were visiting doctors for some treatments and medication to relieve their menstrual pain.
Natural remedies were still the best alternatives in treating and preventing different types of diseases and ailments including dysmenorrhea. Castor oil is one of the natural remedies that are very effective in relieving menstrual pain.
Castor oil contains numerous health benefits to the body and can treat and prevent diseases. It can improve blood circulation, helps hair growth, soothe burns, hydrating chapped lips, fight fungi infection, prevents skin diseases, heals acne, boosts the immune system, prevents heart diseases, cancer, and can alleviate constipation.
This oldest natural remedy has the ability to eliminate all the waste and toxins in the body. It can also balance our hormones and improve our libido, reduces the symptoms of arthritis, and heals other types of diseases.
Here are some steps in preparing this remedy to relieve menstrual cramps.
- Castor oil
- 1 bottle of hot water
- Towel
Rub a thick layer of castor oil to the affected areas. Cover the area you have applied the oil and cover it with a thin towel. Put the bottle of hot water and put it on the towel for about 20 minutes.