Jun Shin Jyutsu Finger Method Addresses Certain Health Issues

Treat Several Health Problems Using Jun Shin Jyutsu Finger Method

Jun Shin Jyutsu finger method is a wonderful energy healing technique that can be used anytime, anywhere in addressing certain health issues.

Some people uses different healing techniques such as massage therapies, acupuncture, and reflexology in treating several health issues including stress, trauma, pain, and other types of diseases.

Those healing practices are very popular in Far East countries including Europe and America for the previous decades. Those techniques were effectively working but you need an expert in order to perform the methods.

Jun Shin Jyutsu

Jin Shin Jyutsu is very easy yet that can be even taught to young children. This technique can be easily done anytime and anywhere. People and young children might already be using this technique without their knowledge.

It’s an old technique that can balance the body functions and life energy. People believes that this finger method can treat several health issues including anxiety, depression, stress, neck pain, back pain, PTSD, and sciatica.

This technique involves pulling, pressing, and rubbing off every finger in the hand in order to get rid of some illnesses in the body. Here are the corresponding health and emotional problems for every finger.

Jun Shin Jyutsu

  • Thumb – worries, stomach, spleen
  • Point Finger – fear, kidneys, bladder
  • Middle Finger – anger, liver, gallbladder
  • Ring Finger – sadness, lungs, colon
  • Pinky Finger – nervousness, heart, small intestine
  • Palm – happiness, belly button

Choose the finger on what emotion you would like to deal with, then sit or stand quietly. Gently hold that finger with your opposite hand for 2 – 5 minutes and breathe. Move on when you feel the pulse of energy either at the top or the bottom of your finger.

This finger method is effective, safe, and beneficial for men, women, and children. It can also help you to deal with negative emotions such as fear, grief, anger, anxiety, and depression in just a minute.

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