Eliminate Excess Fats Even Without Exercise Using This Shake Recipe

This Shake Recipe Can Help You To Eliminate Excess Fats Out From The Body

Overweighted people always think about how can they get rid of excess fats from their belly, here is a shake recipe that can eliminate fats from the body.

Excess fat can often difficult to remove especially in the belly area. It might take hard work, physical activities, proper diet, which will take a lot of time in order to eliminate belly fats and achieve the body shape that you’ve been dreaming.

Most people who wanted to lose weight go to doctors for prescription of diet pills. They are also trying some food supplements and different remedies just to remove excess fats. Natural remedies were still the best alternatives to eliminate belly fats.

Shake Recipe


This vegetable is low in calories because it is made up of 95 percent water. It is also rich in fiber that makes you fill fuller and prevent the desire of eating more.


It regulates cholesterol level and it is good for digestion. It also suppresses the appetite and increases the rate of metabolism.

Cilantro and Parsley

These leafy vegetables were low in calories and excellent source antioxidants.

Lemon Juice

This citrus drink is a great source of vitamin C, low in calories and fats. This juice can help us to eliminate toxins out of the body.

Shake Recipe


Here is a shake recipe that will help you to get rid of excess fats and to achieve your desired boy shape.


  • 1 Cucumber, sliced
  • 1 Tablespoon grated ginger
  • Handful of cilantro or parsley
  • Lemon juice
  • ½ Glass of water


Pour all the ingredients in a blender. Blend them well until you get a homogenous mixture and put it in the fridge.


Drink a glass of this mixture before going to bed.

Shake Recipe

This shake recipe can help you a lot in losing weight however, proper diet and daily exercise can help you more in reducing body fats.

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