Sass Sasot revealed why OFWs overwhelmingly voted for President Duterte.
Sass Sasot took to social media and explained why the Overseas Filipino Worker (OFWs) voted the Former Davao Mayor Rodrigo Duterte for President.
Sass Rogando Sasot, a social media activist and known as President Duterte supporter, shared her thoughts on “Why OFW’s overwhelmingly voted for President Duterte.”
Sasot explained that overseas Filipino workers (OFWs) voted Duterte because they are exposed on how the government runs the country.
“It’s because OFWs are exposed to how governments should be run: with a strong political will,” Sasot said.
Sasot explained that the experience the OFW’s in other countries showed them that the government should run the country with strong political will.

As a graduate student in Netherlands, she shared that the elections there are won by persuading the people that you have the best idea and platforms and that you could assure your security.
“Here in the Netherlands, elections are won by persuading the people that you have the best idea to use their taxes well (that’s always a Dutch issue) and that you’ll be able to keep them safe from threatening elements,” Sasot wrote.
Sasot shared that a strong leader effectively makes the people want to pay taxes because they are promised to receive what they deserve.
“So in the final analysis, it’s about money and security. Giving people a comfortable life is the effective messaging. Even the protests held by domestic helpers who are lobbying for resident status here are expressed within that framework: “We would like to pay taxes!” she added.
Blogger Sass Sasot ended her post by saying, that in the case of the OFW’s who are working in other countries, the reason why they voted Rodrigo Duterte to be the new Philippine President because they are “exposed to a government that works, and a government that works is led by someone with a strong political will.”
Sasot believed that is why Duterte won with an overwhelming mandate from OFWs.
Read the full post of Sass Sasot here: