Popular Chinese Magazine Awards Duterte As ‘Person Of The Year’

A popular Chinese magazine has given an award to Philippine President Duterte.

POPULAR – Chinese magazine Yazhou Zhoukan recognized Pres. Rodrigo Roa Duterte as the ‘Person of the Year’ according to Ernesto Abella, the presidential spokesperson.

In the previous months, the relationship between the Philippines and China has been challenged by the territorial dispute over the West Philippine Sea. Both nations have stood firm on their stands owning the disputed islands.

It has even reached the Arbitral Tribunal which gave the decision over the matter. However, although the ruling of the Court sided on the Philippines, the decision has not been fully welcomed by China.

Philippine President Rody Duterte (right) and Chinese President Xi Jinping (left) / Photo lifted from Concept Central

During his first State of the Nation Address, Pres. Duterte vowed to the people that he will execute peaceful management of the dispute. He has asked former Pres. Fidel V. Ramos to be the country’s special envoy to China based on a previous news report.

Reportedly, the 71-year-old Chief Executive has once expressed that the Philippines is not rushing for a war but for a peaceful talk.

The ties between the two nations has undeniably been warmed by the official state visit of Pres. Duterte to China. Aside from the fact that he has brought home lots of investment projects for the country, the Filipino fishermen were permitted to fish at the disputed shoal.

The Ambassador of China to the Philippines has offered as well as aid to Pres. Duterte in his campaign against terrorism. A loan has also been offered based on a previous report.

Rumors of the possibility of a shifting of the alliance have even undeniably crossed the surface most especially that Pres. Duterte has expressed disappointments against the United States and has thrown tirades against U.S. Pres. Barack Obama.

Recently, a news report in Concept Central stated that Presidential Spokesperson Ernesto Abella said that a popular Chinese magazine, Yazhou Zhoukan, has awarded Pres. Duterte as the ‘Person of the Year’.

Yazhou Zhoukan is the only Chinese language international magazine that also circulates in four other countries, Singapore, Taiwan, Malaysia, and Hong Kong, according to the report.

Based on the news report, the Philippine President has been chosen by the magazine to be the recipient of the award for his ‘independent foreign policy’ which includes his forging of a deeper relationship with the Chinese country.

The ‘program of good governance’ of Pres. Duterte and his campaign against corruption have also gained appreciations in the article according to Abella as to the report.

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