Flush Out Toxins From The Body Using This 3 Juice Colon Cleanse Recipe

This 3 Juice Colon Cleanse Recipe Can Flush Out Toxins In The Body

Colon is the largest intestine and plays an important role in the body, this 3 juice colon cleanse recipe that can help you to remove toxins in the body.

Colon is responsible for eliminating excess water, waste, and other nutrients in the body through the form of stool. As the largest intestine in the body, it needs cleansing to flush out the toxins from the body.

The food that we eat every day contains different ingredients and chemicals, that may contain toxins, which is harmful to the body if it will not be quickly removed. Cleaning colon is not a difficult task, there are so many available detoxification processes that could be performed during your convenient time.

Juice Colon Cleanse Recipe

Drinking natural beverages at home can also help to cleanse the intestine but eliminating toxins from the body needs daily cleansing. This juice drink recipe can help you to flush out all the harmful toxins in the body.

This recipe can relieve constipation, relieve the signs of digestive issues, and especially eliminates all the toxic waste in the colon. This juice recipe requires the consumer to stay at home because the cleansing process will give you the urge of using the restroom.

Apple Juice

It has an adequate amount of pectin and fiber. It also contains numerous vitamins such as vitamin A, vitamin C, B6 and other vitamins. It has also minerals such as calcium, potassium, manganese, iron, phosphorus, and magnesium.

Lemon Juice

Lemon is an excellent source of vitamin C and has a compound called “Citrus”, which contains anti-obesity, antioxidants, antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, and antiviral properties. It also supports the digestive system and removes the toxins from the body.

Ginger Juice

It has powerful medicinal properties that help the body to treat and prevent different types of diseases. It is also effective in cleansing the colon and removing toxic chemicals I the body due to the food that we eat.

Juice Colon Cleanse Recipe


½ cup 100% pure organic apple juice
2 tbsp of fresh lemon juice
1 tsp of ginger juice
½ tsp of sea salt
½ cup purified water


Heat water in a pan but do not boil it. Let the water become warm and transfer it in a glass. Add the salt, stir it well and add the lemon juice, apple juice, and ginger juice then stirs it well.

Drink the juice mixture every morning on an empty stomach, before lunch, and in the mid-afternoon. Consume this drink only one day per week and this drink is not recommended for diabetic people.

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