Installation Of Weapons In South China Sea Just “Normal”, China Says

Satellite images showed that China made an installation on weapon systems at South China Sea

The installation of weapon systems on the seven island within the South China Sea is but a normal thing for China to do.

This is what Beijing maintained following reports that it has made an installation of weapon systems in the disputed part of the South China Sea, which is called West Philippine Sea in the Philippines.

Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Geng Shuang stressed that the installation and building of facilities in the area was within the sovereign rights of their country because the Spratly or the Kalayaan islands in the disputed area are inherent territories of China.

installation of weapons at South China Sea
Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Geng Shuang.

In a press briefing, Geng maintained that their development and building of facilities and deploying necessary defense equipment in the South China Sea is but a normal thing for China to do because they have a right being a sovereign state which is recognized by international law.

Geng just repeated the statement he made previously, ignoring the letters of the arbitral tribunal’s ruling in favor of the claims of the Philippines in the disputed territory.

However, the spokesman for Chinese Foreign Ministry made it clear that he is not aware of the specific situation in the Spratly Islands as reported by a news agency based in Washington, United States.

Recently, CSIS Asia Maritime Transparency Initiative reported that China appears to have carried out installation of point-defense capabilities at seven of the Spratly Islands which are claimed by the Philippines.

The installation of anti-aircraft guns and probable close-in weapons systems (CIWS) have been captured by the satellite at the seven reefs in the Spratly Island, which include Mischief (Panganiban), Fiery Cross (Kagitingan), Gaven (Burgos), Subi (Zamora), Johnson (Mabini), Cuarteron (Calderon) Reefs and Hughes.

South China Sea weapon systems
CSIS AMTI started tracking the hexagon-shaped structures of China in Fiery Cross Reef, Mischief Reef and Subi Reef earlier this year.

Meanwhile, Geng denied that China is not militarizing the islands despite the said reports and rather, he stressed that China is committed to maintaining peace and stability in the South China Sea with relevant ASEAN countries.

He claimed that the formerly disputed South China Sea has been stabilized and continues to improve.

The Washington-based think tank warned that the installation of the facilities would serve as last line of defenses against cruise missiles launched by the U.S.

CSIS AMTI started tracking the hexagon-shaped structures of China in Fiery Cross Reef, Mischief Reef and Subi Reef earlier this year.

Installation of smaller facilities were also seen on Gaven, Hughes, Johnson and Cuarteron (Calderon) Reefs based on satellite images.

2 thoughts on “Installation Of Weapons In South China Sea Just “Normal”, China Says”

  1. But of course . Last time I checked this practice it’s called National Defence against USN Seal saboteurs planning to supply weapons to insurgents inside China by way of the SCS. Yanks have done these clandestine operations before when they supplied war materiel to Filipino guerrillas fighting the Japs by way of nighttime weapons deliveries from USN submarines, to pave the way for the Phil invasion led “Dugout Doug” MacArthur, a self-styled American commander who was gobbling sumptuous steaks in Australia after his Corregidor escape, while the rest of his subordinates were languishing in Cabanatuan Prison Camp. China is simply shoring-up its front yard defences against these troublemakers.


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