Fight Cancer, Other Diseases Using Guyabano Tea

Drink Guyabano Tea To Fight Cancer, Other Serious Diseases

Cancer is one of the common cause of death worldwide, several treatments and medications are used to cure cancer but a simple guyabano tea will also do.

Cancer is the malignant growth of cells in the body that can spread throughout the body and can cause different kind of severe diseases, which lead the patient to death. There is more than 100 type of cancers such as lung cancer, breast, cervical, prostate, colon, lymphoma, skin, and much more.

This disease can be a result of many factors including tobacco smoking, drinking alcohol, unhealthy diet, poor lifestyle, obesity, and infections. Also, exposure to toxic chemicals, pollutants, ionizing radiation, hepatitis infection, and for other reasons.

Guyabano Tea

It can be prevented by avoiding smoking, less alcohol consumption, having regular exercise, maintaining a healthy weight, having a healthy diet, and vaccination against diseases.

This harmful illness can be cured through chemotherapy, surgery, targeted therapy, and radiation therapy, stem cell transplantation, biological therapy, and hormone therapy. There are 80 percent rate of children under 15 can survive in five-year basis.

Going through those treatments and medication is quite expensive and may not be affordable for most of us. There is numerous natural remedy that can help individuals to fight and prevent cancer.

Guyabano Tea

Guyabano belongs to this natural remedy that can fight cancer cells. Guyabano tea contains numerous nutrients, vitamins, and minerals such as vitamin C, B1, B2, carbohydrates, antibacterial, anti-viral- anti-inflammatory, antioxidants, anti-carcinogenic properties that can treat and prevents different kinds of diseases.

The juice from its fruit can treat urethritis, haematuria, scurvy, and dysentery. The concoction of its leaves, roots, and bark can be used as sedative and tranquilizers and also in treating diabetes.

While the concoction from its leaves can be used to treat astringent, muscle spasms, inflammation on the respiratory tract, skin disease, an agent that cause sweating and vomiting, and treats arthritis and rheumatism. Here’s a recipe for making a Guyabano Ale.


1-kilo ripe guyabano

4 cups water

3/4 cup sugar

Calamansi juice


Wash, peel, remove the core and seeds of the fruit, and cut it into small pieces. Boil with 4 cups of water, then cool and strain the mixture into the pitcher. Add calamansi juice and sugar to upgrade the flavor then serve it with ice.

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