Non-Dairy Foods Which Is Also Rich In Calcium
Calcium is very important to the body because it strengthens our bones and teeth, here are some non-dairy foods that are rich in calcium.
An adult person needs at least 1, 000 mg of calcium a day, which can be obtained through eating foods that contain calcium such as milk and other dairy products. Calcium gives us a strong, healthy bones and teeth. It also helps our nerves, muscles, and cells to function properly.
Some people have allergies and don’t like the taste of dairies, this condition is called “Lactose Intolerant,” where patients were unable to digest this kind of foods. Allergy on milk shows signs and symptoms of cramps, diarrhea, nausea, and bloating.
Here are some non-dairy foods that are rich in calcium:
Collard Greens
This vegetable has 268 mg of calcium content per cup when cooked, more servings of this foods can supply more amount of calcium. It is also rich in vitamin A which improves the vision.
This vegetable contains 86 mg of calcium per cups raw, aside from its calcium content it also contains a twice amount of vitamin C compared to the orange. Including broccoli in diet can reduce the risk of several types of cancer.
This food contains 101 mg of calcium per cup when chopped raw, it has also vitamin C, vitamin A, and vitamin K. This vegetable has only 30 calories per serving.
It contains 98 mg of calcium per cup when cooked, It has only 8 grams of fiber per serving and contains protein and 9 essentials of amino acids.
A half cup of dried figs contains 121 mg of calcium. This sweet and sticky fruit is rich in fiber and potassium. It also contains magnesium, which is beneficial to the body.
Large orange contains 74 mg of calcium while a cup of orange juice has 27 mg of calcium. This fruit is very popular worldwide for its sweet and sour taste. It is also an excellent source of vitamin C and antioxidants.
Sardines contains 351 mg of calcium per can. Aside from calcium, it has also vitamin B-12 that enhances the brain and nervous system’s health. It has also vitamin D which strengthen our bones.