Restore Kidney’s Health Using 1 Teaspoon Of Baking Soda

Consume 1 Teaspoon Of Baking Soda To Restore Kidney’s Health

Kidney is one of the most important organs in the body and also prone to damages, but kidney’s health can be restore using a teaspoon of baking soda.

The kidney is the bean-shaped organ, that plays a very important role in the human’s body. This organ’s main function is to balance electrolytes and maintain pH homeostasis in the blood. It is also the one, which flushes the toxins out of the body through urination.

This organ can be damaged through different factors. Proper care for the kidney is important to maintain its health and proper function. We should be careful with the food that we eat every by making sure that it is healthy.

Kidney’s Health

If our urine contains more oxalate, calcium, and uric acid rather than urine, can cause the formation of kidney stones. These stones could be a life-threatening disease that may cause many complications including kidney failure.

Metabolic disorder, high-dosage of vitamin D, gout, and high protein diet can be a big factor for the formation of crystals and kidney stones. Usually, people goes to medical experts for consultation and proper prescription of medicines and treatments but here’s a natural and a cheaper solution to restore the kidney’s health.

Baking soda or sodium bicarbonate helps kidney patients to avoid to go under kidney machines. This simple natural home remedy can be helpful to solve kidney issues, according to the result of the study of Royal London Hospital.

Kidney’s Health

Bicarbonate serves as a protectant naturally produce by the kidney to protect itself. Consuming a certain amount of baking soda can help the body to produce more bicarbonate. When the kidney fails to produce enough bicarbonate it will be prone to damage.

Dissolve a half teaspoon of baking soda under the tongue for the first day. On the second day, dissolve 1 teaspoon of baking soda and half teaspoon of salt in a 1.5 liter of water and consume it throughout the day. This solution can help you to restore the kidney’s health.

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