Climate Gets Worse As Earth Temperature Increases Due To Global Warming
Earth’s temperature continues to increase and the climate gets worse that may cause negative effects worldwide, according to the recent climate studies.
On Friday (November 18, 2016), a two-week UN conference was attended by diplomats from 197 nations worldwide. A blueprint was started to draft to reduce the global warming before it gets worse.
Since 1880, the earth is now in its third successive year of the highest temperature recorded. For the past 10 months in 2016 have been the hottest in the history. 16 of the 17 hottest years were recorded this century.
1.2 Celsius (2.16 degrees Fahrenheit) over pre-Industrial Revolution levels is the average temperature was set for this year. In 2015, the average temperature recorded was a full degree Celsius above the pre-industrial era benchmark used by the UN climate science panel.
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