Must Watch: Mayor Espinosa’s Jail Guard Shares Firsthand Information With Erwin Tulfo

Firsthand Information Of Mayor Espinosa’s Death Shared By His Jail Guard To Erwin Tulfo

The jail guard on Leyte Provincial jail reveals the information about the death of Mayor Rolando Espinosa to Erwin Tulfo.

The jail guard did not give his name to Erwin Tulfo for his own security and protection. CIDG presented the arrest warrant but was not clearly presented to the jail guards before they presented the warrant to Espinosa. According to the jail guard, they have a protocol that prohibits visitors to visit Espinosa except for his family members and relatives

He said CIDG forcefully open the gate of the jail and commanded the erring police officers and the inmates to kneel down and to face the wall and they were prohibited to look around while CIDG is serving the arrest warrant to Espinosa.

Jail Guard


The police officers were disarmed by CIDG and went inside the jail, then they suddenly heard several gunshots. The incident happened on early Saturday morning at 3 am and according to the jail guard they are already kneeling down since 3 am up to 7am.

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