2002 Davao Incident Suspect Took By US, Duterte Says

American Suspect On 2002 Davao Incident took by America: US Disrespected PH, Duterte Says

President Rodrigo Duterte said that America disrespected Philippines when the American suspect responsible for Davao incident on 2002 took by US Embassy.

On Friday evening (October 21, 2016), Duterte said in his press conference at Davao International Airport that the United States disrespected the Philippines by taking away the American suspect for the incident happened in Davao last 2002.

The president refers to Michael Terrence Meiring who took by US Embassy from Davao hospital and brought him abroad. Terrence was charged with possession of explosives and responsible for the Evergreen Hotel blast in Davao City, while Duterte was still the mayor of the city.

Davao Incident
President Duterte

After the blast, Terrence was brought to Davao City hospital but upon the arrival of US Embassy officials who took the custody of Michael. The suspect was supposed to be transferred to Makati Medical Center for treatment instead, they took the suspect out of the country.

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