Alliance Between US And Philippines Remains Questionable

US And Philippines Relationship Remains Questionable, US Official Says

Alliance between United States and the Philippines remains questionable under the Duterte’s administration after break-up threats with America.

After a series of tirades from President Rodrigo Duterte, US Ambassador Phillip Goldberg receives praises from KAMARA. Goldberg will leave the Philippines and will be assigned to other countries.

Goldberg said he don’t want to respond to Duterte’s distasteful comments against him and he also mentioned that the relationship of the Filipino people towards the US will remain very strong, very warm, but according to US officials that the relationship between Philippines and America remains questionable.

Remains Questionable

The president said that the 2016 joint military exercise of Philippines and US will be the last and he will impose the independent foreign policy. “President Duterte has made a panoply of statements; I think the operative adjective is ‘colorful’. “Said by US Assistant Secretary of State Daniel Russel.

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