US-Philippines Cooperation Continues
US-Philippines cooperation continues – The United States of America said that it will remain as a friend of the Philippines even though it seeks to have partnerships with China and Russia.
According to a report by PhilStar, State Department deputy spokesman Mark Toner said on Monday, that it recognizes the Philippines as a sovereign nation and that the US won’t stop the country from having close relations with either China and Russia.
Toner said that the US can still remain as a close friend and partner of the Philippines even President Rodrigo Duterte already declared his willingness to seek partnerships with China and Russia.
The US State Department deputy spokesman added that the Philippines and the US have ties that are “one of the most enduring bilateral relationships within the Asia-Pacific region” and was stable for the last 70 years.
The report said that the US government is working closely with and focus on its relationship with the Philippines in many areas of mutual interest which includes counterterr0rism and economic development.
“With regard to them pursuing alliances or partnerships with China and Russia, they’re a sovereign nation and we’re certainly not going to hold them back from pursuing closer relations with either of those countries. And it’s not a zero-sum game,” Toner said as quoted in the report.
Toner reacted on the remarks that the Philippine President left over President Brack Obama saying that the cooperation of the US and the Philippines still remains strong and has a close cooperation, though he said that they are “not deaf” and “hear what he says”.
“We’re going to keep up that cooperation until we hear otherwise,” he said. “And so US cooperation continues. I don’t know what to call it – a disconnect or what – but we continue to work with the Filipino government,” he added.