Senator De Lima Walked Out Amidst Cayetano’s Privilege Speech

Senator Leila de Lima just could not wait until Senator Alan Peter Cayetano could finish his privilege and she walked out silently the Senate session hall.

As Senator Alan Peter Cayetano delivers his privilege speech during the Senate session on Monday, September 19, Senator Leila de Lima walked out silently of the session hall.

In Cayetano’s speech, he criticized the lady senator of her lack of objectivity in the Senate Committee on Justice and Human Rights hearing on extrajudicial killings during the Duterte administration.

Cayetano privilege speech
Sen. Alan Peter Cayetano during his privilege speech on Senate.

In the hearing, De Lima, who chaired the committee, presented the self-confessed member and hit man of the Davao Death Squad, Edgar Matobato, who claimed that they killed under the order of President Rodrigo Duterte when he was still mayor of Davao City.

Sen. Cayetano said in his speech that De Lima is “damaging the image of the country”.

He accused her of destroying the integrity of the Senate and the country as a whole after she led an investigation on extrajudicial killings, which was taken by many as a demolition job against the president.

Please see video on the next page.

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