The White Folder: Who Are Included In Duterte’s Third Narco-list?

President Rodrigo Duterte showed on Thursday afternoon a white folder containing his third narco-list.

President Rodrigo Duterte showed the members of the First Scout Ranger Regiment in Camp Tecson in Bulacan on Thursday afternoon a white folder containing his third narco-list where names of government officials and employees involved in illegal drugs is written.

Duterte said about 1,000 names are in the list of drug-linked personalities and though he showed and opened the white folder, he did not reveal the names inside but instead, closed and handed it back to Department of National Defense (DND) Delfin Lorenzana.

white folder
Pres. Rodrigo Duterte shows a white folder said to contain the ‘third narco-list’.

But the president made an assurance that he will reveal the names soon as part of his intensified campaign against prohibited substances.

“The final report is there. I’m going to make it public. I spoke with Congress and asked them what I will do with this. There are 1,000 barangay captains, policemen, mayors, governors and judges”, the president said.

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