500 Years Old Aftifacts Recovered From Mary Rose Warship Goes Online

500 Years Old Artifacts Recovered From Mary Rose Warship Goes Online

500 years old artifacts and human remains of a carpenter were recovered from Henry VIII’s warship the Mary Rose is now can be seen by the public and also can be viewed 3D online.

In 1545, Henry VIII’s warship the Mary Rose sank in battle along with the 179 crews riding the ship and all the things in the ship included. The ship was wrecked upon invading French fleet and sunk off upon the south coast of England.

The wreck of Mary Rose ship was rediscovered in 1971 by the divers hunting the ship for years. A museum was built for the remains of the ship including tools, shoes, human remains, and other properties that now can be considered as artifacts. In 1982 the ship was raised from the seabed and now displayed in Portsmouth Museum.

500 Years Old Artifacts

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